Mission status

Current Mission Status

The TROPOMI instrument was successfully launched on 13 October 2017 at 11:27 CEST/09:27 UTC and a series of important calibration and instrument tests were successfully completed during the six-month Commissioning Phase which concluded in late-April 2018. The instrument is now in nominal, operational mode. The colored (RGB) image above was produced using TROPOMI data from April 2023. The first datasets were released in mid-July 2018 and now all data products are publicly available. For the latest mission and processing changes check here for announcements (RSS feed). Detailed reports about mission status and an overview of data gaps is available here.

Notification to all S5P/TROPOMI data users

To avoid version-driven jumps in datasets, especially for time series analysis, we recommend that all data users make use of the reprocessed dataset which covers 30 April 2018 up until 25 July 2022. This data is fully compatible with the current OFFL dataset which covers 26 July 2022 to the present. All datasets can be found on the Sentinel-5P Data Space

Frequently Used Links 

The TROPOMI Monitoring Portal provides comprehensive information and mapping of the Level 1 instrument and calibration status. 

For information about data quality of all released Level 2 TROPOMI data products (ie. NO2, O3, CH4, aerosol index etc.) check out the L2QC Portal.

Validation reports, results and plotting tools are available on the TROPOMI Data Validation Facility (VDAF) site.  

All Level 1 and Level 2 data is freely available via the Sentinel-5P Data Space.